Step up your scheduling game
Visualize and optimize your schedule. Gain clarity and efficiency with a stunning Gantt chart tool. Templates, auto-planning, and recurrent tasks simplify your agenda management.

Cover my shift?
Control your planning. Create shifts and (re)assign them effortlessly using a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface. With the collaboration options, allow everyone on the team to see open shifts and switch them among one another.

Všetky funkcie
urobené správne.
Otvorené smeny
Nechajte posuny nepriradené a priraďte ich jednoduchým presunutím myšou.
Vyhnutie sa konfliktom
Get a warning if multiple shifts are scheduled simultaneously for an employee.
Manage all shifts by organizing them by role, by employee or by project.
Analýza kontingenčnej tabuľky
Vytvorte rozšírené kontingenčné tabuľky a exportujte údaje do súborov .xls a otvorte ich v inom softvéri.
Pridajte sa k 12 miliónom užívateľov
ktorí rozvíjajú svoje podnikanie s OdooOdoo improved resource management, making planning and invoicing more efficient, enhancing communication and collaboration.