Skills evolution¶
In Odoo’s Appraisals app, it is possible to view employee’s skills as they progress over time in the Skills Evolution report, also known as the Appraisal Skills Report.
Managers can use this to see who is achieving their various skill goals set on their appraisals, who is meeting their skill deadlines, who has the highest performance in terms of skill development, and more.
The Skills Evolution report also provides the ability to search for employees with specific skills at certain levels, which can be helpful for scenarios where specific skills are required.
Skills evolution report¶
To access this Skills Evolution report, navigate to
.Doing so reveals the Appraisal Skills Report page, which displays a report of all skills, grouped by employee, in alphabetical order, by default.
Skill levels are only updated after an appraisal is marked as done. Any skill level changes from ongoing appraisals that have not been finalized are not included in this report.
All the Employee lines are expanded, with all the various skill types nested below. Each individual skill type is collapsed, by default. To view the individual skills contained within a skill type, click anywhere on the skill type line to expand the data.
Each skill has the following information listed:
Employee: the name of the employee.
Skill Type: the category the skill falls under.
Skill: the specific, individual skill.
Previous Skill Level: the level the employee had previously achieved for the skill.
Previous Skill Progress: the previous percentage of competency achieved for the skill (based on the Skill Level).
Current Skill Level: the current level the employee has achieved for the skill.
Current Skill Progress: the current percentage of competency achieved for the skill.
Justification: any notes entered on the skill, explaining the progress.
The color of the skill text indicates any changes from the previous appraisal. Skill levels that have increased since the last appraisal appear in green, as an Improvement. Skill levels that have not changed appear in black, as No Change. Skills that have regressed appear in red, as Regression.
This report can be modified to find specific information by adjusting the filters and groupings set in the search bar at the top.

Use case: Identify employees with specific skills¶
Since the Appraisal Skills Report organizes all skills by employee, it can be difficult to find employees with a specific skill at a specific level. To find these employees, a custom filter must be used.
In this example, the report is modified to show employees with an expert level of Javascript knowledge. To view only those employees, first remove all active filters in the search bar.
Next, click the (down arrow) icon in the search bar, then click Add Custom Filter beneath the Filters column to load an Add Custom Filter pop-up window.
Using the drop-down menu in the first field, select Skill. Then, keep the second field as-is, and select Javascript from the third drop-down menu in the third field.
Next, click New Rule, and another line appears. In this second line, select Current Skill Level for the first drop-down field, leave the second field as-is, then select Expert for the third drop-down field.
After the New Rule button is clicked, the word “any” in the sentence Match any of the following rules:, changes from plain text into a drop-down menu. Click the (down arrow) icon after the word any, and select all.
Finally, click the Add button.

Now, only employees that have an Expert level for the skill Javascript appear. In this example, only Marc Demo meets these criteria.

Use case: Assess highest improvement¶
Another way to modify the Appraisal Skills Report is to identify the employee who has the highest amount of improved skills over a specific period of time.
To view this information, first remove the default filter in the search bar. Next, click the (down arrow) icon in the search bar, then click Improvement beneath the Filters column. Enabling this filter only presents skills that have improved.
It is possible to view the skills that have improved over a period of time, such as a specific quarter, or month. With the search bar drop-down menu still expanded, click Add Custom Filter at the bottom of the Filters column, and an Add Custom Filter pop-up window appears.
Select Create Date for the first drop-down field, then select is between for the second drop-down field. Once is between is selected, a second field appears after the last field. Using the calendar selector, select the date range to apply the filter to. Once all the fields are properly formatted, click Add.
The custom filter presents only the skills that have improved during the specified time period, organized by employee.
To determine the employee with the most amount of improved skills for the third quarter, remove the default filter in the search bar of the Appraisal Skills Report. Next, activate the Improvement filter, then click Add Custom Filter at the bottom of the Filters column.
In the resulting Add Custom Filter pop-up window, select Create Date for the first drop-down field, then select is between for the second drop-down field. Two date fields appear after is between is selected.
Using the calendar selector, set the first date to 07/01/2024 and the second date to 09/30/2024, then click Add.
These filters present only the skills that have improved during the third quarter (between July 1st and September 30th, 2024), organized by employee.

To view the number of employees and skills in further detail, click the (Pivot) icon in the top-right corner to view the data in a pivot table. This presents a pivot table with the employees populating the rows, and the only visible column represents the total number of improved skills.
To expand more rows or columns to view which skill types had the most overall improvement, click Total above the Count column, then click Skill Type from the resulting drop-down menu. This organizes the total improved skills by their respective skill type.
In this example, it is determined that Charles Reginald had the largest improvement in the third quarter, with six improved skills. Additionally, they also had the most skill improvements for both Languages (three) and Programming Languages (two).