No more copy/paste
Real-time data
No export-import hassle. Your data is automatically incorporated from your database into charts and spreadsheets, keeping your information up-to-date.
CRM pipeline
Project fee
Sales orders
Website views

Smart filters and conditional formatting
Your business's pivot moment
Dynamic reports. Create and view customized reports effortlessly using a user-friendly pivot view with real-time data updates.

Visualize, decide, suceed
One dashboard to access all information. Your data is sorted into customizable categories and translated into visual representations for easy comprehension and informed decision-making.

Všetky funkcie
urobené správne.
Share and work simultaneously.
Access an easy menu with all the needed formulas.
Transform your data into visual representations.
Conditional formatting
Effortlessly detect critical issues and identify patterns and trends.

Smart filters
To help you find the needle in the haystack.
Pridajte sa k 12 miliónom užívateľov
ktorí rozvíjajú svoje podnikanie s OdooOdoo made J&Joy an omnichannel brand with 360-degree sales visibility.